Android FairEmail - experiences? Xperia X?
asked 2020-02-27 08:14:17 +0200

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no need to say anything about the so called "E-Mail" App in SFoS. After so many years I have no hope there will be any change, since the sync-based design contradicts all IMAP concepts… But I read a very interesting review about this one (in heise c't): Unfortunately it claims to run on Andraiod 5.0 and higher; which would exclude Xperia X as far as I know my phone… Never running any Android apps due to reliability issues and the nonsense by nature. But this would be the long awaited salvation and I'd accept reboot needs and cut battery lifetime. If it only would run on SFoS. Curious to hear what your experience is, in case somebody tries. Thanks!
same question - but replace xperia x with j1. i use k9 as email app.
kaktux ( 2020-02-27 08:55:45 +0200 )editXperia X user here; I have used K9 mail on Aliendalvik since forever as my only mail client on the phone, and I am perfectly happy with it.
Federico ( 2020-02-27 14:40:42 +0200 )edit