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Howto backup /home to PC Sony Xperia X

asked 2020-02-29 07:02:28 +0200

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updated 2020-02-29 07:02:28 +0200

willi gravatar image

I would like to 100% backup the /home directory. Who can help me? Thanks.

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2 Answers

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answered 2020-02-29 10:18:32 +0200

Nieldk gravatar image

use rsync

rsync -avz -e ssh /home/nemo/ nemo@ip.of.device:/backup/destination/directory/

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Thanks @Nieldk, useful information.

When I read your answer, i was curious as to what each of the letters represent, so i looked them up. This is probably common knowledge for some but I will list them here anyway;

-v : verbose
-a : archive mode, it allows copying files recursively and preserves symbolic links, file permissions, 
      user & group ownerships and timestamps
-z : compresses data
-h : human-readable, it output numbers in a human-readable format

But, what does the -e represent?

Spam Hunter ( 2020-02-29 12:24:26 +0200 )edit

-e, --rsh=COMMAND specify the remote shell to use

eson ( 2020-02-29 14:58:07 +0200 )edit

Do I have to install rsync first, or is it inside SFOS already? Thanks

willi ( 2020-02-29 15:21:15 +0200 )edit

@willi - why don't you just try the command first? :) (I believe rsync is already installed as part of the suite 'linux utils')

@eson - thanks! :)

Spam Hunter ( 2020-02-29 15:31:36 +0200 )edit

There's too less information from @willi to give a detailed solution IMO. For example what kind of PC?

I'm not a Linux expert but doesn't @Nieldk's command assume that the destination system is a Linux one? And doesn't it further assume that there has to exist a "nemo" user on the PC and that an ssh server is installed and running?

Pohli ( 2020-02-29 20:39:34 +0200 )edit

answered 2020-03-01 17:43:30 +0200

objectifnul gravatar image

I use luckybackup (Ubuntu, Debian etc.) and SSH. Much faster with USB than Wifi, of course.

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Asked: 2020-02-29 07:02:28 +0200

Seen: 521 times

Last updated: Mar 01 '20