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Mention required predictive text for chinese text input

asked 2020-03-10 14:51:47 +0300

Yongshi gravatar image

I am already using SFOS for more than a year, but I never knew why the Chinese text input is not working for me. Recently I found out that in order for it to work you need 'predictive text input' installed.

This is not mentioned anywhere!

So I would request and recommend to mention this when someone enables another virtual keyboard where you need this installed to function properly (or just mention it in general).

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answered 2020-03-10 15:29:47 +0300

olf gravatar image

updated 2020-03-11 22:28:30 +0300

This is the case for all keyboard layouts, not just the Chinese one.
Edit: I initially did not understand, that the Chinese keyboard layout seems to not work at all, if XT9 is not installed.

This has been mentioned a couple of times here at TJC and at TMO, see e.g. https://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?p=1565910#post1565910

For paid SailfishOS licenses, the predictive text input ("XT9") is offered when booting SailfishOS the first time and can also be installed any time later from the Jolla Store.

Hence your "request and recommendation [...] when someone enables another virtual keyboard" is IMO not helpful, because ...

  • this is independent from how many keyboard layouts and which ones one has activated.
    Even with a single layout one may create this situation, because ...
  • technically this has nothing to do with the virtual keyboard or its layouts.
    The text prediction is a separate component, which can be installed & uninstalled, activated & deactivated independent of the virtual keyboard.
  • some people do (want to) use a alternative text prediction, e.g. Presage.
  • Jolla's XT9 text prediction is proprietary licensed and only available for paying licensees ("Sailfish X").
    XT9 is not offered or available for those using Jolla's free (of charge) / trial version or a community port of SailfishOS.

IMO it is just a few users missing to read the on-screen instructions for the first boot of SailfishOS thoroughly and later complaining about functionality they did not select.
See "Edit" above (second line).

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Well, that doesn't disarm the issue. I use a paid SFOS license on XA2+ after having to switch from my last JP1, and I'm rather confused because I used the simplified Chinese keyboards a lot before - and now I have to type without predictive input (it simply doesn't work). Pred. input is activated, but that doesn't change anything. The pinyin keyboard is unusable at the moment, and I have to use the draw-the-pictograms-yourself method, which slows me down domewhst as I'm not a native chinese speaker.

Am I missing something?

Lutwolf ( 2020-03-10 17:36:55 +0300 )edit

In the onscreen instructions it is not mentioned that the predictive input is actually required for some virtual keyboards to work. Same in the type input settings where the predictive input is not mentioned at all.

For someone who doesn't use predictive input in normal typing and thus never had the need to install it in the first place it is completely unclear these separate functions are related at all and, just as I did, would just assume it must be bugged if it is not working.

Any mention in both the predictive input and/or the virtual keyboard section is IMO greatly appreciated.

Yongshi ( 2020-03-10 19:45:37 +0300 )edit

So I am just lucky because I am still using a JP1 where everything seems to be installed and configured in a working state out of the box. I think that at least Sailfish X installations should behave the same in this respect, and as a friend of community ports, I'd love to see a solution for these. Meanwhile, extending the information text in the relevant configuration sections as @Yongshi wrote would be generally appreciated.

Maus ( 2020-03-11 09:52:33 +0300 )edit
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Asked: 2020-03-10 14:51:47 +0300

Seen: 172 times

Last updated: Mar 11 '20