How to strip binary?

asked 2020-03-18 22:25:26 +0200

AndyWuest gravatar image

updated 2020-03-18 22:25:41 +0200


when releasing the app to harbour you have to pass the rpm validator. When i run the rpm validator i always get a warning about the not stripped binary. How can i strip the binary in the build process? Could not find any information about that in the docs.

Thanks in advance, Cheers, Andreas

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See e.g. strip --helpor

olf ( 2020-03-18 22:30:04 +0200 )edit

Hi, yes i know that but when i run the build like this (as seen in documentation) :

mb2 --no-snapshot -t SailfishOS- build

i get a rpm that contains the binary. Is it possible to tell the mb2 build to also strip the binary?

AndyWuest ( 2020-03-18 22:41:35 +0200 )edit

shouldn't it be strippe dby default? if no, strip in spec

coderus ( 2020-03-18 23:51:23 +0200 )edit

Look at the build process in the source. Normally it should strip in the 'make install' phase. Perhaps there is an option to switch from a "debug" to a "release" type build?

For example, if the build tool is cmake, you can use something like this in the CMakeFile:


or pass -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE="-s" or -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS="-s" to the call to make.

If not, you can in the %install section of an RPM spec file, use install(1) with the --strip option (e.g. install -s -p -D -m 755 foo.bin $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_bindir}/foo) to place the binaries in the destdir and strip in the process. (Make sure you don't strip .so files though! ;) )

nephros ( 2020-03-20 09:46:19 +0200 )edit