Corona-Warning - How to enable it on Sailfish Devices (pepp-pt) [not relevant]
asked 2020-04-01 12:53:22 +0200

This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.
There is a Pan-European Network for GDPR-Compliant corona tracking called "pepp-pt". The purpose of this is to be informed if you have been close to a person who has been later tested positive on the virus. (The target of this project is not to track the total number of infections.) This concept is made to keep you at home if you are potentially exposed to Coronavirus to break the infection chain with your support.
Pepp-pt's plan is to develop a reference implementation for an app and a back-end. The target is to have apps for the devices, that can be installed if someone wants to install it. No one should ever be forced to be part of that.
The aim of this Thread is to find a way to bring it to SailfishOS-Devices. So feel free to contribute to this Wiki any Idea and concept. This should be a joined approach of the community and jolla.
As far as i understood the Concept is about storing a changing 'pseudonymous' ID's of nearby devices on a local device for some days. The Idea is not to store any data of movement in the cloud or somewhere else.
Spam Hunter ( 2020-04-01 13:06:36 +0200 )editI wonder if there will be a way to sign out of this, looks like a PR friendly face to a big brother nightmare
szopin ( 2020-04-01 16:33:18 +0200 )editRidiculous. I would never install authoritarian dictatorial big brother bullshit like this, and Jolla / Sailfish shouldn't touch it with a 10ft pole if they want to keep any semblance of dignity and confidence in their product. The world has gone insane with mass hysteria and idiot sheeple screaming for increased governmental control. Any mobile OS that contributes to that in any way will be off my devices forever. No government will track me or make me their subject. Give me liberty or give me death
bocephus ( 2020-04-01 23:07:03 +0200 )edit@bocephus I was very concerned of any of those tracking systems and if I look at our conservative minister of health and the right-wing minister of internal affairs I was prepared for the worst. With this attempt I'm pretty much pleased, at least as much as I know. It's also good to have an European solution instead of many isolated systems.
We'll have a choice to stay in lockdown until we have drugs to deal with covid-19 or vaccination. The former probably won't happen before autumn the later won't happen before spring / summer next year. If we want to loosen the lockdown we need to find a way to limit the number of new infects.
One option will be early diagnosis but as you're infective before you develop symptoms it's also important to identify contact persons in the period from your infection until your diagnosis. As much as I understood the pepp-pt approach your phone only collects the ids of people who are in a range of two meters for at least 30 minutes. Those ids are kept for 21 days without any additional data. If your test is positive the health authorities can read the stored contact ids and send a notification to the corresponding application, so no-one knows who you are.
Of course this is extremely sensitive and it brings a huge risk for later abuse. On the other hand, I don't see that we can release the lockdown without such a tacking system before we have have the medical treatment for it.
At least I got the impression the suggested approach is close to the most responsible way how you can implement that tracking.
What is worth your liberty if you're locked at home?
jollajo ( 2020-04-02 00:26:55 +0200 )editWhat we need now are breathing protection masks, protective clothing, safe gloves etc. etc. for health care stuff. Then for all people. Then self test kits for everyone. And after that we can maybe start talking about senseless tracking apps that have no evidence at all. Not in Taiwan, not in Korea, nowhere. Everyone with symptoms should remember the one day he/she was healthy but invectious - with whom he/she had contact. So absolutely NO reason for any of those disgusting tracking apps under the cloak of corona.
apozaf ( 2020-04-02 01:17:48 +0200 )edit