Jolla Phone JP1 for sale [not relevant]

asked 2020-04-03 10:53:38 +0200

ahoi_jolla gravatar image

Have a look:

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The question has been closed for the following reason "question is not relevant or outdated" by Spam Hunter
close date 2020-04-04 15:05:38.400362


Nice starting price, shame you won't deliver to Spain, at least that's what it states (May not post to Spain).

Please don't misunderstand me, I'm not wanting to buy it as I already have 2x Jolla1, but am curious as to why you won't post to Spain?, and can we assume that under that screen protector, the glass is in good condition?

Spam Hunter ( 2020-04-03 13:17:09 +0200 )edit

I can read: Deutschland und EU. E is still in the EU. Maybe not GB. ;-)

jolladiho ( 2020-04-03 16:00:19 +0200 )edit

eBay advert withdrawn as the item is no longer for sale, I guess the seller won't be back to close his question, so I'll do it for him.

Spam Hunter ( 2020-04-04 15:05:31 +0200 )edit