Backup not working [answered]
Hello, I thought this was already mentioned here on TJC, but searched quite a while and was unable to find related. Wanted to make a backup before updating to But at about 75% there is a sad smiley and it was aborted. Tried again after restart, but still not working. SD card has 10Gb free. The logfile has following information:
Standard error was:
tar: /opt/alien/run/media/nemo/HANDY/sailfish_backup_2020-04-03T07-05-19Z.tar: Nur 4095 von 10240 Bytes geschrieben
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
[ERROR] 3 Process exited with non-zero exit code or status, quitting.
Status = Finalizing
[UI] Beende Operation
Status = Finished
it's helpful to use tags to denote which OS version and device type you are having problems with. I can take a rough guess which version but seeing a tag would make it easier to know. :)
Spam Hunter ( 2020-04-03 16:28:00 +0200 )editYou are right, but as I wrote, I would like to update to 3.3, I thought it is obvious. Added the tags...
SaimenSays ( 2020-04-03 19:28:35 +0200 )edit