XA2 possibilty to set different security codes
is it possible to set different security codes for device (/home) encryption and for the normal device lock?
A long one with e.g. 20 numbers for encryption and a short one for the device lock (e.g. 5-6 numbers) ?
for me its not clear written in the how-to.
That'd be a ood thing to have, if the security code itself is used as the luks key. (I am not sure if that is the case, or is there a mechanism that'd somehow lengthen the key based on some device property? And even though ther would be, what would stop an attacker using the same property to salt the code and obtain the longer code...?)
As the minimum secureity code length is 5 digits, I assume many people use just the 5 digits as the code and do not create a longer code. 5 digits makes up just 100000 combinations it can very quickly opened with a brute-frce attack.
juiceme ( 2020-04-06 21:22:13 +0200 )edit