Free and paid licence in downloads - how to intall free licence to new device

asked 2020-04-26 13:15:06 +0300

AkiBerlin gravatar image

The question may already be answered some place - but I cannot find the answer.

I just "bought" a free licence to do some tests with a "new" (in fact rather old) XA2. I also purchased a paid full licence previously that I do not want to "spoil" for my tests (I do not need AD for my tests).

However, in the Download Section of the Jolla store, I cannot see any difference between the images. I know, that the images in fact are identical and it is just the licence (the legal part) that makes the difference.

So how can I make shure that the Test XA2 only receives the free licence without using my previously acquired paid licence (that I will need for a future device)?

Maybe I need to setup a new account? (I know that that would be a solution, however, a less preferred one)

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maybe this issue holds the informarion you're looking for:

rgrnetalk ( 2020-04-26 14:13:03 +0300 )edit

@rgrnetalk. Thank you! I read this before posting my question - it just covers the other case (how to upgrade instead of staying with a free licence although there already is also a yet unused paid licence)

AkiBerlin ( 2020-04-26 22:27:10 +0300 )edit