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[XA2] failed SFOS update to on XA2 / stuck in airplane mode [solved]

asked 2020-04-28 19:56:06 +0200

Bratsk gravatar image

updated 2020-04-29 11:28:31 +0200

jovirkku gravatar image

HI jolla community,

I have the problem after failed update on my XA2. The update to was failed and XA must be rebootet. After reboot stuck my XA2 in airplan mode and WIFI and other connection methods cannot be activated. I found already a workaround Jolla together link, but I don't have a linux PC/laptop for this workaround. Could you please help ma and explain how I can finish the update without complete new flash my sony XA2. MY Jolla Phone 1 was successfully update to Thank you in advance.

Best regards Bratsk

update on 29.04.20 (THX to rozgwi provided LINK)

it was possible to set internet sharing on windows PC with XA2 and complete the update:

  1. connect SFOS device via USB and the SFOS ist availible as and start SSH via putty on SFOS device.

  2. share internet connection in WIN. Go to properties of your WIF/LAN connection, go on sharing tab and choise your SFOS network adapter.

  3. check the IP adress from you Windows PC and set the route /sbin/ip route add default via * is Windows PC here.

  4. SET NDS echo nameserver >/etc/resolv.conf

  5. RUN version --dup and waiting for updating steps

  6. When the step 5 ist complete, reboot the SFOS device. After about 15 minutes it was successfully updated to by me.

Best regards Bratsk

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I have exactly the same problem with my Xperia X. The update was not succesful and now it´s stuck in airplane mode. Though my Xperia XA2 updated without problems.

number51 ( 2020-04-28 22:07:54 +0200 )edit

Sad to hear this is still an issue in the official release. A fix is given in the answers of the release note thread, this was already an issue in the early access.

Spark ( 2020-04-29 01:47:07 +0200 )edit

Would you guys care to share the output from the following command, please?

ssu lr
jovirkku ( 2020-04-29 11:51:26 +0200 )edit

[nemo@Sailfish ~]$ ssu lr Enabled repositories (global): - adaptation0 ... https://store-repository.jolla.com/releases/ - adaptation1 ... https://store-repository.jolla.com/releases/ - aliendalvik ... https://store-repository.jolla.com/releases/ - apps ... https://releases.jolla.com/jolla-apps/ - customer-jolla ... https://releases.jolla.com/features/ - hotfixes ... https://releases.jolla.com/releases/ - jolla ... https://releases.jolla.com/releases/ - sailfish-eas ... https://store-repository.jolla.com/features/ - xt9 ... https://store-repository.jolla.com/features/

Enabled repositories (user): - openrepos-Penguin ... https://sailfish.openrepos.net/Penguin/personal/main - openrepos-Rudi_Timmermans ... https://sailfish.openrepos.net/Rudi_Timmermans/personal/main - openrepos-Simom ... https://sailfish.openrepos.net/Simom/personal/main - openrepos-bwalter ... https://sailfish.openrepos.net/bwalter/personal/main - openrepos-coderus_ac8 ... https://sailfish.openrepos.net/coderus_ac8/personal/main - openrepos-dcaliste ... https://sailfish.openrepos.net/dcaliste/personal/main - openrepos-direc85 ... https://sailfish.openrepos.net/direc85/personal/main - openrepos-jdrescher ... https://sailfish.openrepos.net/jdrescher/personal/main - openrepos-jonkha ... https://sailfish.openrepos.net/jonkha/personal/main - openrepos-llelectronics ... https://sailfish.openrepos.net/llelectronics/personal/main - openrepos-lourens ... https://sailfish.openrepos.net/lourens/personal/main - openrepos-lukedirtwalker ... https://sailfish.openrepos.net/lukedirtwalker/personal/main - openrepos-osetr ... https://sailfish.openrepos.net/osetr/personal/main - openrepos-rgrnetalk ... https://sailfish.openrepos.net/rgrnetalk/personal/main - openrepos-rinigus ... https://sailfish.openrepos.net/rinigus/personal/main - openrepos-saidinesh5 ... https://sailfish.openrepos.net/saidinesh5/personal/main - openrepos-thebootroo ... https://sailfish.openrepos.net/thebootroo/personal/main - store ... https://store-repository.jolla.com/h3113/armv7hl/?version=

Disabled repositories (global, might be overridden by user config):

Disabled repositories (user): - home ... https://download.jollamobile.com/home:/honeybadger/latest_armv7hl/

Bratsk ( 2020-04-29 22:53:14 +0200 )edit

After ssu re the repos were updated to too.

Bratsk ( 2020-04-29 23:59:57 +0200 )edit

3 Answers

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answered 2020-04-28 20:38:51 +0200

Rafaelvlmendes gravatar image

updated 2020-04-29 11:58:35 +0200

jovirkku gravatar image

Hi. You can try a laptop ou PC with Windows. You can try too with terminal using:

rootme ssu   <== please leave this out
version --dup     
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I guess this does not work if the phone is stuck in airplane mode and has no internet connection because of that. You have to additionally enable USB networking (IP forwarding and masquerading) to make it work. In any case, I doubt that you can solve the problem without a PC because of the missing internet. (I had exactly the same problem and fixed it this way.)

Woidboy ( 2020-04-28 22:52:49 +0200 )edit

HI Rafaelvlmendes, thank you for reply. What should be "rootme" for the binary? My SFOS tell me "command not found". I tried all described ways from jolla community, but no one was worked because missing internet connection.

Bratsk ( 2020-04-29 00:21:43 +0200 )edit

answered 2020-04-29 00:26:38 +0200

rozgwi gravatar image

updated 2020-04-29 00:48:45 +0200

This is a known issue, see this answer on the original release notes thread. The solution is a bit longish but seems to work well

it's a bit know-it-all to say but: Did you read these notes and it's responses properly before updating?


whoa, apologies. If I were the first to follow my own advice, I'd have read your question properly.

Do you have no computer at all or are you on a Windows machine? If so then you can try two things: Use Putty or enable SSH on the command line of Windows 10.
fastboot, necessary to boot up the recovery image of Sailfish OS is available for Windows too

as last resort you could try manually downloading the packages for networking (see answer from release notes) and copying them using an SD card or MTP. then with developer mode reinstall the packages. but that's a painful manual effort not guaranteed to work

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THX rozgwi, I tried the related comments, but without success. I agree with you, the manually downloading of all packages could be painful. For workaround I need linux PC, so I will order an raspberry pi and go on :-). I want avoid use fastboot & lost teh data. Thank all for quick support.

Bratsk ( 2020-04-29 00:57:41 +0200 )edit

you don't need a linux machine, that's what i'm trying to tell you. SSH comes with Windows now and only needs to be enabled.
all the commands you see in the answers are executed on the phone, using a SSH connection.

rozgwi ( 2020-04-29 01:07:27 +0200 )edit

I'm shooting one after another, pardon me. the easiest solution: get a linux live cd ( or bootable stick). that allows you to run linux on almost any machine without installation

rozgwi ( 2020-04-29 01:22:22 +0200 )edit

answered 2020-04-29 01:09:52 +0200

rozgwi gravatar image

updated 2020-04-29 01:13:50 +0200

stupid me, I'm still thinking about fastboot and the recovery which you want to avoid.

a quick search got me this: https://www.quora.com/How-do-I-share-internet-from-a-PC-via-a-USB-cable-to-an-Android-phone?share=1

if this works you'd be able to fix you phone using SSH

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Asked: 2020-04-28 19:56:06 +0200

Seen: 655 times

Last updated: Apr 29 '20