Missing sounds in Xperia X Rokua 3.3.0 encrypted

asked 2020-04-29 17:52:20 +0200

metfi gravatar image

Try build up new ambiance profile with own picture. Result all sound mutted from all settings. It try play sounds, but notting heard. This have happend twice, in first time factory setting reset and re-installaition was solution. Is there any other possiblities?

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Are the sound files stored on an SD card?

If yes, move them somewhere under /home/nemo/Music and pick them again in the ambience editor.

nephros ( 2020-04-30 09:29:57 +0200 )edit

Non-SD card installed. It seems, that .ogg files don't work. I have start re-installation and wouldn't generate any additional wallpapers.

metfi ( 2020-04-30 10:18:29 +0200 )edit

I have re-install SFOS several times, in all cases encryption version have muted sounds after restart. F ex no alarm for receiving a call!! This is a major bug in cryption process...

metfi ( 2020-05-01 19:47:09 +0200 )edit