Size of remorse timer in the gallery

asked 2020-04-29 18:51:07 +0300

ApB gravatar image

With the remorse timer being a tile/window on top design (sorry cant put it in words better) the size when you try to delete a pic is extremely small.

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Are you trying to say that the close icon (X) is too small to hit?

image description

Which device are you using?, please update your tags to reflect your device type.

Spam Hunter ( 2020-04-29 21:14:25 +0300 )edit


nope what i am trying to say is that its too small and inconsistent compared to the rest of the stuff

plus the x looks ugly

ApB ( 2020-04-29 21:50:11 +0300 )edit

what do you propose in its place?

I asked if you would update your tags to reflect your device type, the reason for that is I read many X/XA2 users complaining about parts of the UI being too small, I wondered if this is the case with your problem?

I'm still using Jolla1 and for me, despite fairly poor eyesight, I don't have a problem with the tile/remorse timer size in the Gallery, especially as the 'Delete' option is on a drop down menu the width of the screen, so I'm struggling to fathom the root of your question, which makes little sense by the way.

Spam Hunter ( 2020-04-29 21:57:21 +0300 )edit

Its not a matter of device. As long as it is not the same consistent size all over the OS it is a problem. Small yes.

What i propose. Same size everywhere and removal of the X. The size used in the message app is fine.

ApB ( 2020-04-30 01:10:08 +0300 )edit