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Unable to create nextcloud account

asked 2020-05-01 11:31:27 +0200

predator2019 gravatar image

updated 2020-05-01 11:34:08 +0200

Hello. On SFOS i tried to add an nextcloud account for my local server. After setting up user name, pw and serveraddress "could not create account. Server response did not provide user details for specified username." pops up. Serveraddress is formatted as "http://192.168.2.x.x/nextcloud". On other devices this works fine, so the address and the credentials are correct. Check the connect with other cellphones and laptops and it worked. Has anyone the same issue? Any idea what's the problem. Thanx

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Did you try also with https?

entering the url is inthe web browser works?

VincentB ( 2020-05-01 11:41:07 +0200 )edit

No, 'cause the server is not configured that way. No need for this.

predator2019 ( 2020-05-01 12:10:15 +0200 )edit

No idea about your actual connectivity problem. But in order to get nextclout integration working, it is essential that your nextcloud instance is in your webserver's root, not in a subdirectory. Use a subdomain or virtual host for this, and configure https.

For details, see the existing discussion threads regarding nextcloud and SFOS 3.3.

ziellos ( 2020-05-01 13:38:58 +0200 )edit

Well. I'll tried SailSync Owncloud (thanx to 6uvNPR) and GhostCloud (thanx to beidl-jolla) from OpenRepos and both do the job excellent as well as other client (M$ Win, Linuxs, Laptops, Android Smartphones/Tablets, Browsers, ...). So it's not an issue of my server setup or configuration. It must be a special implementation of the Nextcloud Client Account in SF OS My only thought is, that this implementation needs an https server configuration as ziellos mentioned. At the moment I will not change the working server setup so i use SailSync ownCloud as a working alternative. @jolla: Is there a way to fix this issue? It's a good feature and it should work for most server setups.

predator2019 ( 2020-05-02 06:27:22 +0200 )edit

My setup is with https and a subdomain. https//cloud.mydomain.com works for me. I can't help you more.

GhosCloud and Sailsync are verry useful apps, but this is not the same use.

VincentB ( 2020-05-02 20:06:28 +0200 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2020-05-01 21:47:52 +0200

marduone gravatar image

Try adding two slashes to the end of the your nextcloud URL, i.e. https://your.server.address/nextcloud//. I had the same problem and found the above workaround in the comments of another thread (https://together.jolla.com/question/224331/330-issues-with-nextcloud-integration/).

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I am having the same problem as the OP, adding two slashes at the end of the directory changes the error message to "server response could not be processed". I am having NC 18 installed. also tried a NC installed at the root of the domain (also NC 18) getting the same error. Is it a problem connecting to NC 18?

wildcart ( 2020-05-02 02:59:33 +0200 )edit

Nope! Thanx to marduone. The issue is permanent and the error messages still remain "Oops ... Can't create account, ... username or password wrong". It must me a deep problem in the authentification methods or what else, because any other client can connect and sync to the server. It's sad, because Jolla tried to introduce a good and import feature to this modern os.

predator2019 ( 2020-05-02 06:35:04 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2020-05-01 11:31:27 +0200

Seen: 386 times

Last updated: May 01 '20