Update MMS APN configuration during OS upgrade

asked 2020-05-01 18:58:46 +0300

atlochowski gravatar image

updated 2020-05-01 20:03:59 +0300

Jolla devs please consider updating mms apn configuration during OS upgrade.

On every OS upgrade, you update file https://git.sailfishos.org/mer-core/mobile-broadband-provider-info/blob/master/mobile-broadband-provider-info/serviceproviders.xml

If I make factory reset I will get old apn configuration and even during many OS upgrade it will stay the same old configuration. To get new configuration after many upgrades I have to go to mms configuration and choose 'Reset to default'.

It will be nice if OS upgrade will update mms apn configuration if configuration for my provider changed in serviceproviders.xml file.

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Yes, indeed.
Please do so.

That way we will be on the safe side. Maybe just set a bit that OS was upgraded and on first boot/connect/open load the new configuration?
Of course it would be more convenienf to have it checked, pop up a user notification and let him decide to download anew or stay with ita configuration But ... I know.

Maybe a manually changed configuration should not be overwritten?

peterleinchen ( 2020-05-01 19:40:12 +0300 )edit

Can't receive MMS or group message when WIFI is ON. It's been like that on Xperia X and XA2 even before the last update. Any ideas on how to overcome this. Also still not possible to send group message (MMS) from the native messaging app. Is it going to be implemented anytime soon?

777 ( 2020-05-02 03:00:51 +0300 )edit