Separate encryption password [duplicate]

asked 2020-05-04 18:04:44 +0200

Gestra gravatar image

Sailfish 3.3.0 Rokua brought home directory encryption to all Xperia models which is great. But while reading about it I came upon this:

The security code of Sailfish OS is used both for unlocking the Device lock and for unlocking the encryption of user data.

The security code can contain numeric characters {0, 1, 2, 3,... 9} only (Sailfish OS 3.3.0). The minimum length of the code is 5 digits but we recommend a considerably longer code. The maximum is 42.

Using the security code as the encryption password makes sense from a usability standpoint (the user only has to remember one code) but it does mean that the encryption password will be weak to brute force attacks unless a very long security code is used. A very long security code on the other hand is not very practical in daily use.

An optional separate password for encryption that's not limited to just numeric characters would allow one to use a strong password for encryption that's only needed once per boot but not have to enter it every time they want to unlock their phone.

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The question has been closed for the following reason "duplicate question" by Gestra
close date 2020-05-04 19:02:54.781608


Oh, sorry about that. Looks like I didn't use correct words when searching for existing issues.

Gestra ( 2020-05-04 19:02:42 +0200 )edit

... or you were hit by point #1 listed at "Update Askbot (running TJC) to a more recent version".

Anyway, IMO your question is much better phrased than the "useless" one.

olf ( 2020-05-04 20:55:21 +0200 )edit