Unusual behavior of SailfishOS phones in certain place

asked 2020-05-12 13:10:29 +0300

Marzanna gravatar image

Hello. Yesterday I encountered unusual behavior of two smartphones (Xperia X and Aqua Fish). I visited Globus hypermarket in suburbs of Moscow and had to make a call from within. But I couldn't wake my phone from sleep. I rebooted it but screen was unresponsive. Phone became extremely slow then froze. I tried ti reboot it several times with same result. Then I tried Aqua Fish. Same behavior! I went to parking and rebooted my Xperia X. It worked. I make a call then returned to store. Phones froze again. Interestingly, they could receive calls messages but I couldn't answer. Phone vibrated but screen remained black. I could only decline call from my smartwatch. I made an experiment: I went to parking, took both phones in hands constantly pulling up and down application menu while moving toward entrance. They gradually begun to work slower. Then I entered they froze. I headed outside, menu started moving slowly then faster until it worked normally. I conducted same experiment with another entrance. Same result. What on earth could it be?

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maybe some issue with the Wifi? must be something like that...

Raymaen ( 2020-05-12 17:56:37 +0300 )edit

Yes, it's an issue with the wifi. Conman gets mad and phone gets highly unresponsive. Turning the wifi off, cure the symptoms. I don't know how to solve or report the problem though.

Damien Caliste ( 2020-05-12 20:44:00 +0300 )edit

It's not only with wifi there are more similar issues like this. I have an xperia 10 and seems that the transition between wifi and data connection causes problems. The same occurs when there are conflicts between different antenas. There's a place in my town where if I try to use the phone it always gets black.

greenhad ( 2020-05-13 10:12:51 +0300 )edit

Indeed it's an issue with wifi. I visited another Globus with WiFi turned off. There was no problem with phone but then I turned WiFi on and my phone froze.

Marzanna ( 2020-05-26 23:35:16 +0300 )edit