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[] list of apps and patches no longer working

asked 2020-05-14 12:02:22 +0200

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updated 2020-06-02 20:58:41 +0200

objectifnul gravatar image

After Rokua upgrade, some apps are no longer working. Feel free to complete the list (SFOS native apps only please).


  • space inspector (issue filed at Github)
  • cargo space
  • defender (on encrypted devices hinders boot)
  • Integral for Sailfish OS
  • Derivative for Sailfish OS
  • Limit for Sailfish OS
  • man-db
  • Almost anything from NielDK with shared object dependencies


  • show album's art on lockscreen (ancelad)
  • Powermenu2 in Ambience switcher (coderus)
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Thanks, good idea.
Especially as Jolla still recommends to use 'space inspector' on their official guide to keep the sailfish device "clean" !

peterleinchen ( 2020-05-14 12:10:03 +0200 )edit

Not a bad idea, but does it belong here?, most third party apps and patches come from Openrepos where we can all make direct contact with the developer via the contact form.

This thread should be reserved for Sailfish/Jolla apps that have problems, leaving the rest better suited to a thread on TMO.

Spam Hunter ( 2020-05-14 12:31:03 +0200 )edit

For information purpose?

Not everyone wants to (or does) follow each comment flow from openrepos or even Jolla store.
I am fine with TMO :) but also: not every SF user follows there.
notification for space inspector was done 3d ago
And to extend; a lot of apps are un-maintained, it seems. So:
having one location to list em all...

peterleinchen ( 2020-05-14 12:37:45 +0200 )edit

@Edz Maybe this is not only interesting for app developers, but also for the system team, as the reasons why those apps have suddenly become incompatible may be usefully investigated. For instance when there is a dependency for a library (say somelib.so.3), it cannot be satisfied when somelib.so.6 is released. This is a serious limitation.

objectifnul ( 2020-05-14 19:01:25 +0200 )edit

After upgrading to 3.3, sailfish does not appear to be working...

Oldmil ( 2020-05-19 17:45:05 +0200 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2020-05-22 14:05:50 +0200

Sunny gravatar image

updated 2020-06-02 20:28:29 +0200

Maus gravatar image

Writing as "answer", because I'd like to report regressions, which breaks only parts of apps (all on Xperia X, reflashed from Hossa to Rokua):

  • PureMaps: Compass doesn't work anymore (no problem with Hossa - 3.0.3, and no probem with orientiing compass app)

  • LowPowerMode: Can still be enabled via mcetool, and still works if lockscreen-timout activates LPM (press power on locked phone but do not unlock, after 5 seconds LPM will jump in). For the next 30 seconds, the proximity sensor reactivates LPM like before Rokua. But after a yet to be determined timout LPM activation stops working, likewise when directly locking by (menu|power) button. LPM reactivation has been working flawlessly with Hossa on my Xperia X (and is personally one major (usability) reason to run Sailfish OS).

  • Homescreen orientation: Ever since (2015 with JP1) I've been patching /usr/lib/qt5/qml/Sailfish/Silica/Page.qm to return "Orientation.Portrait | Orientation.Landscape" instead of "allowed" - which enables landscape mode for home screen, launcher and all other apps, independent of the apps' reported capability (why the hack would one want to limit home screen to portrait!?!?). This is still working but there's a redraw issue with Rokua (has never been a problem up to Hossa). The covers are organized for the previous orientation instead of the current orientation (Status bar on top shows correct layout, but covers are 3x6 organized, instead of 6x3 for example, although scrolling down works - which is a bit different if it's 6x3 (landscape) layout if current orientation changed to portrait, where horizontal scrolling doesn't fully work, but is switching to notifications instead). Changing orientation with active homescreen fixes the problem but it's very annoying. And please Jolla, make landscape orientation to be allowed by default! There have been very view applications which show layout oddities – better to have 99% correct landsace layout instead of no landscape layout at all for a significant number of built-in apps!!!

  • USSD processing is broken from 2nd request on: If I use e.g. *100# I get the USSD service answer with options to select from. Whichever I choose, I immediately get the anser "operation already in process" and after a while "service request failed". I haven't had problems with USSD before Rokua.

Update, forgot another really annoying regression:

  • Artificial device unlock delay: Since home partition encryption is enabled by default with a very weak (LUKS) key protection (weak because UI only allows to use digits, and nobody will remember/enter the required lengthy digit-only passphrase), most likely the delay was put in place to "harden" brute force unlocking attempts. This is very annoying and a ridiculous attempt to fix implementation deficiencies!

Still crashing boradcom WiFi firmware when 802.11k/r (roaming assistence) is provided by WifFi insfrastructure! 5GHz WiFi performance is abysmal and suffers from intermittent outages every second. But I haven't used 5G band before and the firmware crash is well known, affecting many peaple and 1st decribed here: https://together.jolla.com/question/205934/sailfishx-wifi-firmware-crash/ I'd bet it's caused by 5GHz steering, so factory disabling 5GHz completely by Jolla would improove the situation most likely - 5GHz WiFi is broken in any way I tried so far on the Xperia X!

Another annoying thing: NFC. New to Rokua, but reading the Style Touch Cover Tag, I get a notification to open a URL, but "accpeting" the notification has no effect. Expcted: Opening the browser. Given result: Nothing.

While already a bit offtopic: I like the new phone UI features very much! Huge improvement imho, likewise the messages layout. Still my personal top priority of unresolved issues – far more urgent than any browser, alien-dalvik, encryption or vpn deficiencies: SIP integration and multi-user support (if nemo had multiple, separate contacts / phonebooks, multi-user supportn wasn't that urgent).

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Asked: 2020-05-14 12:02:22 +0200

Seen: 1,865 times

Last updated: Jun 02 '20