Licence issues for using Sailfish OS Logo on mobile pocket

asked 2020-06-05 17:35:28 +0300

Solidus gravatar image

I'm using Sailfish OS since a while. I'm also very happy with the hard- and software, but I miss a stylish protection for my smartphone. Therefore I would like to order a handmade smartphone pocket made of felt and attached with a stitchery. So I asked my favorite shop, if the could stitch any other symbol on the felt pocket. They answered yes, but they need permission for using the symbol.

So I contacted Jolla and told them what I would like to do and asked for a permission. Jolla replied very kindly and said:

"The trademark for Sailfish OS and the Sailfish OS logo are owned by Jolla and the use of these are restricted. Nevertheless we can give you a permission to use the logo for the described printing with non-commercial purposes."

For stitching the Logo the shop must create a file for the machine and this costs 68€ one-time. I also asked them, if it would be possible that others from the community would be able to buy it.

Now they answered, because they would sell it to me, it woud be a commercial purpose then and they would not do it.

Since I've no experience in those license issues I just want to ask the community: Is there a way getting a handmade pocket made f felt with a stitched Sailfish OS logo on it?

I put here an example, just imagine to switch the green gecko with a cyan Sailfish OS Logo: image description

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I bought a case from these guys

I couldn't find pockets on website but you can check more thoroughly. They made Jolla logo stuff before.

potski ( 2020-06-05 18:48:27 +0300 )edit

I think that at lastu they stop to do things for Jolla or sailfish os :-(

mips_tux ( 2020-06-05 22:13:09 +0300 )edit

Yes but they will use it if you send it as custom logo.

potski ( 2020-06-06 01:58:43 +0300 )edit