sailfish x on xperia 10 ii or other device with oled screen

asked 2020-06-15 20:29:48 +0300

smatkovi gravatar image

since i read somewhere that if enough users want a device to be supported and jolla reads about it jolla will consider supporting a device. so hereby i declare that i want the xperia 10 ii to be supported. the reason why is that since the n9 i wanted to have a sailfish device with an oled display. there is the oneplus x, but it's not officially supported, which makes it sometimes very difficult or impossible to do some things. so it would be nice to have an officially supported device with an oled display. but i read two contradicting things about it. first that it's fairly easy to support, because it's similar to the xperia 10, on the other hand i heard it's not easy because it uses android 10. so would be interesting if somebody else is interested in a device with an oled display or what your thoughts are on supporting the xperia 10 ii.

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Prego. But I am very worried of poor number of both available native and android apps. Unfortunately I won't flash SFOS X on my Xperia 10 II even when possible. I shall use only my XA2 with sfos os so far as no two smart phone together with 10 II android as no 1. Unfortunately.

N9Sailfish ( 2020-06-15 21:13:09 +0300 )edit

Funny that your name has n9 in it. I dualboot on the one plus x, maybe you could do that too

smatkovi ( 2020-06-16 01:08:10 +0300 )edit

There is an excellent unofficial port for xperia Tama devices, XZ3 features a 6" 1440 x 2880 pixels, 18:9 ratio screen. The screen is superb, however SFOS is not very friendly for high resolution OLED screens, i.e. a) extend pixel scaling to support high resolution screens, b) dark ambience theme for background and core apps support.

pmelas ( 2020-06-16 12:17:52 +0300 )edit

xperia 100 II is in the Open device program now.

nerip ( 2020-06-17 13:47:18 +0300 )edit

since yesterday...

cemoi71 ( 2020-06-18 00:15:24 +0300 )edit