VPN in Aliendalvik Control
In v3.3 VPN does not work with android apps. Will add a VPN in Aliendalvik settings (under network&internet) do the trick? I cannot try it atm, has any1 tried? tia
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In v3.3 VPN does not work with android apps. Will add a VPN in Aliendalvik settings (under network&internet) do the trick? I cannot try it atm, has any1 tried? tia
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Asked: 2020-06-18 18:36:02 +0200
Seen: 142 times
Last updated: Jun 18 '20
Not a big help, but on my Xperia X with v3.3 my vpn works with android apps. For example Fennec Browser-VPN-pi-hole
dirksche ( 2020-06-20 15:08:30 +0200 )edit