About a roadmap [answered]
asked 2013-12-26 11:44:28 +0200

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Hi everyone! I don't know if this question has already been asked but I didn't find something approaching.
Where and when could I find a roadmap for Sailfish OS?
I know the development is in progress but just for having a look on what are the priorities and what's the next to come. Thanks and keep the good work on!
I also want to know what will be the updates frequency (weekly, monthly, 1 ,2 or 3...).
I guess it´s too early for this. Let´s see what the upcoming MWC will show us and how the shipment in 2014 goes. But it would be nice to get some information about upcoming releases.
DerJott ( 2013-12-26 11:57:59 +0200 )edit