More eye candy [answered]
Maybe it's just personal opinion, but while Sailfish is great on maximizing the available space for application content, actually I think that often this space isn't fully used with the end result that sometime there is the feeling of emptyness. It get worst when the whole app is just a wide spaced monochromatic text listing of something.
Do you agree or prefer to stay as minimalist as possible?
EDIT:just to clarify better, I was thinking to this kind of eye candyness: that lets you say: wow, that's cool!
I'm more of a minimalist person, so I prefer it to stay on the minimal side of things... I like open space.
FireFly ( 2013-12-26 12:00:45 +0200 )editI'm with FireFly here: minimalistic and spartanic is better than decoration with no functional purpose. As nice as eye candy can be, it definitlely weares of with time. If there is too much useless space the task would be to fill it with useful information.
ibins ( 2013-12-26 12:50:07 +0200 )editWell, maybe decoration can be used in a clever way so to carry information too. Qt/QML provides lots of effects at the moment not used at all. I mean, when you search the web for QML you'll see those shining demos. I expected Sailfish to endorse those capabilities and make full use of them to appeal.
BTW I agree that it's better to fill the space with usefull information, I just propose different way to display the information than simple text. A way that is also pleasant for the eyes.
Titanium ( 2013-12-26 13:18:58 +0200 )editonly optional, for me the more readable information the better, eye candy is otherwise useless
must not waste resources (i.e. battery life)
ortylp ( 2013-12-26 13:57:37 +0200 )editIt seems here that eye candy = waste of space and battery when it's not. At least not if done correctly. In fact by properly using colors, icons, animations you can have more dense information and better attention getters when needed, for example to signal an important event. plus it's more appealing and more people will like Sailfish.
Titanium ( 2013-12-26 14:42:47 +0200 )edit