compass does not work upside down
the compass app or hardware does not work if you're laying on your back and holding it above your head in upside down position.
update: the problem still exists with SFOSv2.0.1.11
update: the problem still exists with SFOSv2.0.2.51 - jolla 1
Wow, so there is SailfishOS compass app, how did I miss that.. Edit: seems to work whichever way I turn the phone (even works when the phone is held upright) just finds the North quite slowly when upside down..
foss4ever ( 2014-02-08 12:03:09 +0200 )edityou should try tilting it a bit more...suddenly it switches from north to south :-), i think some of the logic is wrong
AL13N ( 2014-02-08 12:56:43 +0200 )editok, gotta keep on rotating for awhile ;)
foss4ever ( 2014-02-08 13:03:36 +0200 )editCompass is not correct always. Often the error is >±45°. This applies to upside down position as well.
jgr ( 2014-02-08 13:03:43 +0200 )editi don't know about you guys, but if i lay on my back and keep it upside down, then by careful tilting, i can make it slowly turn almost full circle
AL13N ( 2014-02-09 12:39:51 +0200 )edit