Unable to reconnect to forgotten networks
If I select to forget a network and later on I want to reconnect to the same network, I always get "Sorry. Could not connect to selected network." Please confirm this bug and correct.
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If I select to forget a network and later on I want to reconnect to the same network, I always get "Sorry. Could not connect to selected network." Please confirm this bug and correct.
Tested again and this time I was able to connect. So, I forgot the network again and tried to connect while already connected to another network and got same message "Sorry. Could not connect to selected network." Looks like I'm not able to connect to a forgotten network if I'm already connected to another network. In other words, I'm not able to switch network to a forgotten network.
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Asked: 2014-02-17 13:10:28 +0200
Seen: 444 times
Last updated: Feb 17 '14
Why saved WLAN networks disappear and re-appear [released]
Manual switching WLAN networks [released]
Connection Problem WLAN error message details
Safe WLAN driver settings (WCNSS_qcom_cfg.ini)
How to tell which WLAN network we are connected to? How to switch WLAN network? [answered]
[Implemented in] WiFi tethering [released]
[How-To] WPA-802.1X (enterprise), eduroam +[Others] GUI wifi support needed + workaround [released]
Fixed the typo. Welcome to Together. :)
vattuvarg ( 2014-02-17 14:40:00 +0200 )editThanx ! :)
tvicol ( 2014-02-17 14:41:41 +0200 )editTried by forgetting my own home network. Used the pulley menu to "connect to internet". My WLAN showed up in the list, I typed the password and was connected. Tested with the browser if I could get to Together and everything seems to work fine.
vattuvarg ( 2014-02-17 15:00:12 +0200 )edit