[Implemented in] Zoom support in Camera [answered]
As a Jolla user, I can use the camera app with zoom functionality.
As a Jolla user, I can use the camera app with zoom functionality.
The zoom function without a real zoom lens is more or less useless feature, it just degrades the image quality because of interpolation to get the image size back to original pixel amount.
But if the zoom would crop the image (that is, no scaling) to what the screen shows, this could be somewhat useful feature.
This is available in software version, Naamankajärvi
You can now pinch to zoom. It's digital zoom but it's an opt-in feature ;)
I know I go offtopic now, but what about https://together.jolla.com/question/3577/add-capability-to-tap-to-focus-on-a-certain-area-of-the-image/
sound more important to me than sofware scaling :)
reply in that link if you can give info about it...
mike7b4 ( 2014-02-01 03:27:16 +0200 )editAsked: 2013-12-18 17:11:34 +0200
Seen: 995 times
Last updated: Feb 05 '14