Activating Facebook instant messaging also imports all facebook contacts to people app
I noticed that contacts are still being synced with Facebook when I disable the Facebook sync but activate the Instant Messaging. My expactation would be that I can chat with the facebook contacts who are in my contact list, but instead all of my contacts are added to my addressbook. Even if I delete them from the address book, they reappear.
Is this a bug? Can I change this behaviour?
I also noticed that the contacts stay in my addressbook, even after i completely disabled the Facebook account. Aren't they supposed to disappear when the account is disabled?
Thank you all
Having the same problem. And no, this is not a feature, this is a problem. I very much expect to be able to have the last say of who I have on my contact list.
Having a few dozen selected contacts = manageable and handy
Having a few hundred contacs = cluttered and inpractical beyond belief
Removing the unwanted contacts manually from the contact list was a terrible pain, but seeing them reappear after the extraordinarily tedious process of manual deletion caused me apoplexy.
Movetron ( 2015-01-03 18:39:02 +0200 )edit