Unique Android-ID
I'm struggling with a problem: I want to use an Android-App that does a device-specific registration. (App is called "Good for Enterprise"). So when I run the app and want to register my phone, I get an error message, that there is already an account registered with my device and then the app shows me my android-id. My device serial-number is listed as 1234512345 (which does not look like a real serial to me). So I'm guessing that the virtual android environment on all the Jollas have this same Serial-Number / Android-ID, which is why I get the message, that my device is already registered (not by me, but presumably by another Jolla-User). Am I right? If so, that is really not ideal....I guess there are other apps out there, which will fail with the same problem. Also in terms of security, it's a bit worrying if all devices have same android serials.
My request would be, that each Jolla has a unique Android device ID.
Or maybe someone has another fix for this problem??
PS: That would really help me a lot, because I need this app in my job. The Good app is very common in companies which offer a User-Owned-device service for their employees.
I'm not sure that having a unique device-id should be called a "feature". Besides, it is spoofable, so unusable for security. Imo it would be better to file a feature request at the developer of the app, to drop the dependency on the device-id.
Fuzzillogic ( 2014-02-23 01:56:31 +0200 )editI doubt the developer will change this. As mentioned this is a wide spread app in business. In my case for example, I'm working for a large german car manufacturer with 100k+ employees. You get a security token which then will be linked to your device-id to use the app. And IMO that makes sense, because it adds another security layer. Yes, you can spoof that ID, but you would have to know which ID to use. So in a way, this acts like a password.
concarve ( 2014-02-23 08:16:08 +0200 )editI have an issue with the fake IMEI, as Mobile Bank ID is looking for it as it's same over all Jolla devices the company behind the application will cancel the ID within hours after it has been issued. As I'm not a microsoft windows user this causes me a lot of issues, as I can't electronically identify myself as the support for GNU/Linux is zero.
Trizt ( 2014-05-22 22:37:52 +0200 )edit