Browser: add haptic feedback for links

asked 2014-02-24 23:10:14 +0300

Jolla095 gravatar image

updated 2014-02-25 10:33:08 +0300

veskuh gravatar image

A feature suggestion for Sailfish browser.

Can you add an option in browser settings to enable haptic feedback when link is touched/activated?

A little exaggerated explanation.

It happens quite often to me that I tap a link on a web page but cannot be sure if the tap was succesful and link is loading. The reason can be that the page was not zoomed close enough and my tap missed the link just a tiny bit or there was a slowdown in the Internet traffic or web page was kind of heavy for the Jolla browser and it took a moment before anything visible started to happen.

During that waiting time I have already tapped the web link several times thinking that the browser did not catch my first tap or there is something wrong with the Internet connection.

In a desktop browser you have a status bar at the bottom of the screen showing what is happening or you can see the address bar change when a link is touched. Mobile browser gives a very little clues what is going on.

It would help if browser could indicate succesful link press with a short vibration. Then there would not be second quessing if browser catched the link tap or not.

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I agree totally! Often I tap a link multiple time, but nothing happens. Even if zoomed, it is not possible to enter the link. It seems to be also a browser bug. But a short vibration for feedback wound be nice!

SaimenSays ( 2014-02-26 00:24:13 +0300 )edit

I forget to mention that in addition with links, haptic feedback could work also with selection boxes and other interactive elements on the web page.

Jolla095 ( 2014-02-26 19:55:48 +0300 )edit