Poll: Ultimate Jolla accessory
asked 2014-03-01 23:25:02 +0200
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This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.
If your new here and want to know more about polling here in Together, see this first: https://together.jolla.com/question/16697/together-howto-polling-in-together/
This poll uses wiki posts so no karma rewards from votes.
The idea of this poll is next: Which additional accessory category gadgets/other merchandise you would like to see on Jolla Shop apart from current and possibly upcoming Other Halves?
There will be six different accessory categories which to choose from. You can choose only one category option from six for this poll to be honest. No cheating!
Reason for why this poll is not made to handle single specific accessories, but categories instead, is to limit the maximum amount of votable options and keep the voting more simple (Not flooding the poll with too many options).
However if you have a idea for an accessory you would like to see on Jolla Shop and that is not seen under specific category yet, you can make suggestions as comments under the specific accessory category for that.
Thanks, TimTTK
You can start voting now! :)