gnutls - how will future security fixes be handled
Just a question for the actual goto fail of gnutls: How will such security issues be handled in future? Will gnutls be patched in the 1.0.41.x?
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Just a question for the actual goto fail of gnutls: How will such security issues be handled in future? Will gnutls be patched in the 1.0.41.x?
The gnutls (and any other sec. vuln.) will be patched/fixed as soon as possible.
@bart - I don't know the release process in Jolla but... it would be feasable, after all, SailfishOS can work as most desktop distribution in this regard: publish the rpm on the repository, and the package can be upgraded on its own, without "bumping" any global version.Actually, unless you need to update major parts of the system, it would be the best way to handle upgrades...
mikelima ( 2014-03-06 10:34:05 +0200 )editThey can want things, but I expect at least a secure device. Some issues warrant a hotfix, such as this GnuTLS (my desktop had the update before the problem became public).
Fuzzillogic ( 2014-03-06 19:31:02 +0200 )editThis thread is public, all members of Together.Jolla.Com can read this page.
Asked: 2014-03-05 23:05:10 +0200
Seen: 322 times
Last updated: Mar 05 '14
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