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Screen sharing feature app for demonstration purposes

asked 2014-03-06 18:51:10 +0200

HighCast gravatar image

updated 2015-05-15 13:04:04 +0200

It would be great to get a screen sharing application for SailfishOS to assist software company to demo the created software - as an example.

This would require the connection to the network via wlan or bluetooth to share the image to a PC that will project the image through projector to the wall to demonstrate the software features.

Of rourse this could be done with SDK emulator, but that's still not the same thing.

Update: We could also demo our Jolla phone in LUG meet ups if we have this feature.

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It would indeed be a cool feature for an application like the "Jolla PC Suite" to show the screen content within the application.

marsch ( 2014-03-06 19:14:35 +0200 )edit

5 Answers

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answered 2014-03-07 09:30:35 +0200

Kontio gravatar image

updated 2014-10-21 18:39:58 +0200

There is a working VNC server for the Jolla phone, which could be used for that purpose: https://github.com/mer-qa/mervncserver (you also need https://github.com/mer-qa/libvncserver)

It's by far not ready for end users and just the source code, so I know this answer is not satisfying.

But if there is enough interest (show it by voting up the question), then I don't see a reason why not to make it available e.g. via store or in developer mode.

Patches to make it more user friendly and more configurable (a lot is hardcoded currently) are very welcome!

EDIT: 21. Oct 2014
I wrote some readme files on how to compile it in the Sailfish OS SDK, I hope it helps:

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The solution should be easy to use, basically after initial setup it should be one-touch-usable. In such case, I'd vote for this.

HighCast ( 2014-03-07 17:44:26 +0200 )edit

oh it's awesome! it would be great if you provide a short tutorial to install it and configure it... thanx a lot!

Someoneortwo ( 2014-05-16 19:30:46 +0200 )edit

hi! might we expect any movement about it? someone can point any resource that could help how to use this code? thanx a lot

Someoneortwo ( 2014-05-21 00:18:39 +0200 )edit

Any updates on this? Looking for a user friendly solution :) I should be able to handle terminal instructions...

anandrkris ( 2015-02-13 15:23:35 +0200 )edit

Just noticed that this exists, and tried it. Compiling the library and the server went without any problems, as well as installing to Jolla.

However, when I try to connect to it, it bails out and kills the server:

[root@Jolla nemo]# systemctl status vnc.service
vnc.service - VNC Per-Connection Server
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/vnc.service; disabled)
   Active: inactive (dead) since Thu 2015-05-14 20:53:45 EEST; 40s ago
  Process: 1035 ExecStart=/usr/bin/mervncserver (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
 Main PID: 1035 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)

May 14 20:53:45 Jolla systemd[1]: Started VNC Per-Connection Server.
May 14 20:53:45 Jolla mervncserver[1035]: 14/05/2015 20:53:45 Got connection from client ::ffff:
May 14 20:53:45 Jolla mervncserver[1035]: 14/05/2015 20:53:45   other clients:
May 14 20:53:45 Jolla mervncserver[1035]: 14/05/2015 20:53:45 Client ::ffff: gone
May 14 20:53:45 Jolla mervncserver[1035]: 14/05/2015 20:53:45 Statistics             events    Transmit/ RawEquiv ( saved)
May 14 20:53:45 Jolla mervncserver[1035]: 14/05/2015 20:53:45  TOTALS              :      0 |         0/        0 (  0.0%)
May 14 20:53:45 Jolla mervncserver[1035]: 14/05/2015 20:53:45 Statistics             events    Received/ RawEquiv ( saved)
May 14 20:53:45 Jolla mervncserver[1035]: 14/05/2015 20:53:45  TOTALS              :      0 |         0/        0 (  0.0%)
[root@Jolla nemo]#
juiceme ( 2015-05-14 21:00:10 +0200 )edit

answered 2016-06-13 16:38:44 +0200

slava gravatar image

It's probably worth mentioning that mervnvserver isn't working on the latest Jolla C/Intex devices, you need to use lipstick2vnc instead:


This lipstick2vnc thing will work on Jolla1 too so it's basically a replacement for mervnvserver. For those who don't feel like compiling this stuff themselves, I have built the necessary packages in Mer OBS:


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thanks, works same slow and laggy as before, and only allowing usb connections (can be patched)

coderus ( 2016-06-13 17:35:14 +0200 )edit

answered 2014-05-22 10:52:27 +0200

mobile gravatar image

I wrote it already in another together-thread: https://together.jolla.com/question/36501/remote-access-to-graphical-interface-waylandrdp/#post-id-43421

In short:

It exists a Plugin for QT itself that can share a normal QT-Application over RDP, so you can directly connect via MSTSC to an QT-Application.

I got it working in the emulator.

My efforts to get the QT-RDP-Plugin it working on the phone stopped at the pouint where I got conflicts with lipstick, as I can't install some needed QT-Libs besindes lipstick and I ws told that I would need to manually copy them somehow.

You can find everythign with examples and screenshots in my thread on TMO: http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=92352

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I think this tread must be merge with your tread for group vote.

M1CK431 ( 2014-10-07 13:32:43 +0200 )edit

answered 2016-06-16 23:05:58 +0200

updated 2016-06-16 23:06:24 +0200

You can also use my app SailCast to share the screen 20+ frames per second. Firefox or VLC is required on the computer side. Jolla Tablet / Jolla C is not currently supported, but I will look into those in near future (+ additionally remote controlling if possible).

Downloads: https://github.com/skvark/SailCast/releases

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answered 2014-05-22 11:11:58 +0200

bokal gravatar image

Sharing to http://airtame.com/ would be amazing!

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Asked: 2014-03-06 18:51:10 +0200

Seen: 4,226 times

Last updated: Jun 16 '16