[Idea] Cache fingerterm rpm locally
asked 2014-03-16 17:57:24 +0200
This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.
Every time you disable and reenable developer mode, fingerterm becomes un- and reinstalled. Reinstalling also involves redownloading the RPM from the repos.
If you want to leave developermode disabled most of the time for security reasons you may still sometimes have to enable developer mode e.g. if you need to work with the terminal. So why not cache the fingerterm rpm after first enabling so that developer mode can be dis- and reenabled without network operations? That'd be very useful in situations without an internet connection e.g. abroad
I would suggest that the fingerterm rpm should be shipped with the stock firmware. So developer mode can be activated after a device reset without accessing Internet.
gexc ( 2014-03-16 19:41:37 +0200 )edit