Calendar opening slowly
Performance of calendar opening is something I would like to see improved. Now it takes most often so much time you are not sure if something is really happening.
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Performance of calendar opening is something I would like to see improved. Now it takes most often so much time you are not sure if something is really happening.
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Asked: 2014-03-21 00:05:52 +0200
Seen: 35 times
Last updated: Mar 21 '14
Create/add different calendars on device
Improve how calendar entries are indicated in calendar
Calendar: move "change year" to pulley menu
Week numbers in calendar [answered]
[Feature-request] Mail app and Calendar should handle invitations
People - improve starting view
Calendar notification [released]
Remove individual transfers [released]
[Implemented in] Email: Insert In-Reply-To header [answered]
Opens pretty fast for me... do you use any sync service such as google?
gabriel ( 2014-03-21 00:11:58 +0200 )edit