Files system repair with Jolla Recovery v0.1?

asked 2014-03-22 16:42:46 +0200

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updated 2014-03-22 16:50:40 +0200

Kollin gravatar image

After few resets now my Jolla cant't be updated, can't install anything from store (including developer mode!!!) and i'm pretty sure that the file system is corrupted. Can someone tell me please how to fix it. Now i'm stuck with Jolla Recovery v0.1 and software version and the phone is in permanent "flight mode" i.e. in unusable state!

     Jolla Recovery v0.1     
Welcome to the recovery tool!
The available options are:
1) Reset phone to factory settings
2) Reboot phone
3) Exit
Type the number of the desired action and press [ENTER]: 

Are you really SURE? If you continue, ALL DATA (pictures, videos, messages, accounts and all the personal data) stored in the device memory WILL BE ERASED! [y/n]
Invalid answer. Please select a valid alternative.

Are you really SURE? If you continue, ALL DATA (pictures, videos, messages, accounts and all the personal data) stored in the device memory WILL BE ERASED! [y/n]
[CLEANUP] Starting cleanup!
[CLEANUP] Umounting top volume...
[CLEANUP] Cleanup done.
Mounting /dev/mmcblk0p28 on /mnt
[OK] No lockcode has been set. Proceeding...
[OK] Factory snapshots found.
Resetting procedure started!
Backing up current root and home subvolumes...If the backup fails, the old data will be deleted to let the recovery process continue.
mv: can't rename '/mnt/@': No space left on device
[WARNING] Couldn't backup rootfs, maybe the filesystem is corruped. 
The rootfs subvolume will now be deleted to let the recovery process continue.
[CRITICAL] The current system subvolumes could not be moved or deleted! 
The recovery process cannot continue!
[CLEANUP] Starting cleanup!
[CLEANUP] Umounting top volume...
[CLEANUP] Umounting /mnt
[CLEANUP] Deleting /mnt
[CLEANUP] Cleanup done.
Connection closed by foreign host.
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Contact Jolla Care

Penguin ( 2014-03-23 04:18:03 +0200 )edit

Just shipped for Finland!

Kollin ( 2014-03-27 16:21:38 +0200 )edit

My phone is back from repairs. It appears to be flashed with the last image Now i have much more free space on the phone 13.7G

Kollin ( 2014-04-09 16:37:23 +0200 )edit