2015-01-30 13:34:39 +0200
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Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.
There is a Mer repository which can be used:
You can add the repository via commandline with:
ssu addrepo home_javispedro_xwayland
ssu er home_javispedro_xwayland
Then you can install xwayland with
pkcon refresh
pkcon install xorg-x11-server-xwayland
Now you should be able to start xwayland:
Xwayland -nolisten tcp :0 &
export DISPLAY=:0.0 &
Xorg/X11 applications should now work.
An example screenshot (by the repo creator :

I just tested it by editing /etc/sshd/sshd_config on my Linux box to support X11 forwarding. On the Jolla I issued:
ssh -X [USER]@[HOST]
I was able to successfully start a graphical application.
Just to make it clear, this is not a duplicate of the Question linked below. Actually, it is exactly the opposite!
00prometheus ( 2014-03-29 20:58:04 +0200 )edit