Silence incoming calls by turning the phone face down [released]
I'd like to silence incoming calls by turning the device upside down in addition to the pulley menu entry.
We have moved to a new Sailfish OS Forum. Please start new discussions there.
I'd like to silence incoming calls by turning the device upside down in addition to the pulley menu entry.
It's on our list of things to do, just has a lower priority at the moment than other things.
turn the phone to silent is nice, but this feature should make in the configuration section of the phone. because, for me, it is more convenient to press the volume button and not get out phone of my pants pocket and turn it down screen. mute function by pressing the volume control is not implemented or it just does not work for me. and it would have been very comfortable that would not take the phone. groped and pressed. nothing could be simpler.
sa.rasputin ( 2014-06-08 10:50:43 +0200 )editReleased in
not only that but also a quick way to set the phone to silent mode other than from the lock screen. this is tougher than turning phone face down to silence it. right now if i am using the phone and i want to silence it i hv to go back to lock screen or settings app. quite inconvenient.
But then it would be nice to be able to pre-set ambiances for different states of the phone: silent, using wifi/3G/plane mode... maybe the topic for another suggestion.
plaristote ( 2014-01-25 16:19:48 +0200 )editI wanted to reopen this question, as I couldn't notice any effect of the "flip-to-silence" setting with my XperiaX/SailfishX v3.3.0.16 Rokua. Did anyone succeed?
For me, five times is not enough. Not willing to try more: this 'feature' is definitely not reliable (at least for Xperia X)
objectifnul ( 2020-05-30 16:17:00 +0200 )edit@objectifnul you seems not to understand. the feature is released and is reliable for all. BUT you have a big problem, so that you may try every thing, it still present.
We should differentiate this to the released feature.
It may have a bug, or an effect a feature problem with an other one.
It seems that currently it is specific to your only one device with your own setup/applications.
let this thread closed but get help from jolla team, let analyse this.
Open a thread separately, mentions this one by telling that you 're alone to be affected, all other with same setup are not...
Maybe ask the jolla support in parallel...
This thread is public, all members of Together.Jolla.Com can read this page.
Asked: 2013-12-24 18:55:41 +0200
Seen: 10,267 times
Last updated: May 29 '20
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I've liked this feature since the N900 days. I remember colleagues being impressed by that feature at the time. If it's not patented, implement it.
caa ( 2013-12-24 21:00:51 +0200 )editAnother Top feature was/is the Easy Answer capability. Do we need an extra "Question" for this? I believe that such goodies should be all in one place, well integrated in the OS itself.
NikosAlexandris ( 2013-12-25 16:20:35 +0200 )editIIRC, you can already silence an incoming call by shortly pressing the power button.
pycage ( 2013-12-25 18:23:14 +0200 )editWhat I did miss on the N900, was actually to put the phone into "silence mode" by turning it face down.
dazo ( 2014-01-03 16:10:59 +0200 )editIn addition I would like the option to set the phone to "silent mode" by turning it face down. Go in a meeting, put the phone on the table, face down and you are sure that no embarrasing ringtone will interrupt the meeting (at least not from your Jolla). I had implemented this with an app called "Actions" on Android (something like Tasker). Found it very useful.
StaticNoiseLog ( 2014-01-05 00:08:15 +0200 )edit