More Jolla ringtones and sounds
It would be great to have more unlike ringtones and sounds from Jolla in the future. There's no need for tons of different sounds, only a few to keep things interesting.
I know it is easy to make my own sounds or download them. But it's much more unique and exciting to have sounds made by Jolla. Wouldn't it be great to hear familiar yet unlike ringtones and sounds in an airport or in a party or on the streets...and you would know for sure that there's another Sailor somewhere near! :)
Yes, more special Jolla tones would be great :) It's also a bit disappointing that Snow White TOH does not have special tones at all. However there is a issue for handling that:
TimTTK ( 2014-04-04 00:32:57 +0200 )edit"Wouldn't it be great to hear familiar yet unlike ringtones and sounds in an airport or in a party or on the streets...": Do you want more or do you want familiar tones? You cannot have both. (Certainly, I am not the only one adjusting my tones ones and than staying to them: I simply have no time to check for new tones and change them regularly.)
jgr ( 2014-04-04 01:59:38 +0200 )editI'd like to emphasis ringtones. When someone calls me, I don't want to listen to the music. Instead, I want to be notified by a recognizable but distinct sound, without instantly bothering everyone in the vicinity.
Fuzzillogic ( 2014-04-04 02:11:17 +0200 )editI agree. I don't want music either, only unlike tones like good old Nokia Tone. ;) It wont be easy to make legendary tone but at least you have to give it a try!
youhana ( 2014-04-04 08:38:22 +0200 )edit...and a separate filesystem location for them so that they don't show up among my music, perhaps?
vattuvarg ( 2014-04-04 12:49:40 +0200 )edit