2015-09-27 11:05:50 +0200
2.0 has opened a whole new world of possibilities. Now that Jolla has admitted that not everything is a nail, the cover actions are no longer limited to just "swipe left" and "swipe right". Yes, right now we have only two buttons replacing the old cover actions, but I can easily imagine truly interactive covers with all the interaction of a full-screen app, only in a smaller space.
So you could have:
- A fully fledged game of 2048 in the cover, with swipes in all directions
- A chess clock or stop watch with start, stop, pause etc. buttons in the cover
- A calculator, with a full scientific set of keys in full screen and only basic 0123456789.+-*/ set in the cover
- A media player with all the usual buttons in the cover
- ...
The possibilities are really endless. Has Jolla considered that? Is something like that on the road map?