Sharing clipboard with Android applications [released]
Text copied from Android apps cannot be pasted to Sailfish apps (unless by some elaborate workarounds, see below), i.e. the Android clipboard is not shared with Sailfish. The camera is now working which is cool if you want to e.g. scan QR codes. But you cannot copy the product code from the reader (e.g. ISBN) to a Sailfsh application. And vice versa - sometimes I want to copy URL to some android application.
Edit: I noticed copying to Android works, but only through the keyboard copy/paste button. It still doesn't work if the keyboard won't show up. This is rare, but not so important. The problem of copying QR codes still occurs.
i have an issue with android. ivuse evernote and i am not ablr tobcopy text when editing a notr. i can get the android copy cursot to appear but the virtual keyboard disappears when this happens and i cannot tap on copy icon.
droll ( 2014-01-27 05:14:46 +0200 )editThere is a workaround I use for now. You can paste the text to some application that allows sending emails. If it opens Jolla e-mail app then you can select and copy text from there. Personally I use my PP tracker app which does that, but it's Polish only for now.
Nux ( 2014-01-28 11:52:16 +0200 )editSame with FireFox-Android, I cannot copy an URL to native browser or other apps.
mobile ( 2014-02-01 21:39:06 +0200 )editThere is an easy trick I found - just add "mailto:?body=" before the URL and "visit" the new url. This will open the e-mail application from which you can copy the URL (or any other things). Very hacky, but works :-)
Nux ( 2014-02-04 01:43:33 +0200 )editAny estimations about implementing this feature? We need copy from android and paste in jolla!
Magog ( 2014-07-15 15:35:17 +0200 )edit