Official Sailfish OS support for the upcoming OnePlus One which is already CyanogenMod compatible [duplicate]
asked 2014-04-28 17:57:13 +0200
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The OnePlus One is a handset that will be released shortly, has great specs for the price. The phone will ship CyanogenMod, has been confirmed to have an unlocked bootloader, so it would be an ideal choice for Sailfish OS support.
I think Jolla need to support something that brings money for that development. How will this increase income?
Macilaci457 ( 2014-04-28 21:38:56 +0200 )editThis is direct from Jolla:
*We'll be rolling out downloadable Sailfish in phases to users over the next half year, initially first with Nexus 4 and Samsung Galaxy S III LTE (I9305) as official adaptations.
We'll also be providing a SailfishOS porting guide for technically minded community members to make them able to put SailfishOS on devices that are currently able to run official CyanogenMod 10.1; and share that effort with other community members.*
So, why would they support the Nexus 4 and the Samsung Galaxy SIII then? How does that increase income? Given the price point of the OnePlus One, support for LTE on many continents including multiple carriers as well as 3G and 2G; it provides better support globally than their own handset does. It also has more RAM, a better processor, a better screen, a better camera to name just a few. So with Jolla going to provide a Sailfish port for some phones that run android, why not go after a current handset and not older ones? At least the OnePlus One is already set for CyanogenMod from the factory. This also plays into the technically minded community members as well.
Jolla wants to license their OS not be a phone manufacturer. The reason for the Jolla phone is so showcase Sailfish. To get your OS noticed and to get a customer base, you need people using it. Having it run a high-end hardware that is cheaper to purchase than the Jolla phone is a way to get people to adopt Sailfish. How many people are going to go a search for a used phone to run Sailfish on? A Nexus 4 that has far lesser specs than the OnePlus One can be had for the same money; why would anyone want to buy a Nexus 4 then? Which would you rather run Sailfish on; OnePlus One, Nexus 4 or Samsung Galaxy SIII?
lanbrown ( 2014-04-28 22:06:43 +0200 )editMaking something good takes time. Nexus 4 and S3 are community supported because they are (probably) the hw on which jolla started developing ports. If you think that on march 2013 n4 and s3 were the top specs phones, you'll understand why are now the ported platforms. It was only one year ago ;)
magullo ( 2014-04-29 10:05:18 +0200 )editNobody owns a oneplus one while loads of people own a n4 or sgs3. Also, where did you get that jolla doesn't want to be a phone manufacturer? The jolla is much better than other "high end" phones I own FWIW.
gabriel ( 2014-04-29 11:11:18 +0200 )editThe OnePlus One handset is missing 4G Band 20 - 800MHz - crucial for the UK market.
richardski ( 2014-04-29 22:51:19 +0200 )edit