Set Camera quality
Default bit-rates seem really low at the moment.
For example on Jolla the file sizes are under half in both photos and videos as on some other 8Mpx and 1080p cameras. This compression is visible.
An side-by-side test video on an S3 1920x1080 had 17033.3 kbps and Jolla with 1920x1088 only 7059.8 kbps.
- Will there be a way to set these in the future and is there currently some command line way of tweaking these settings?
- Can android apps access the camera sensor directly or are they limited by Sailfish settings?
- Can RAW images be made available?
- Does Jolla have an optical image stabilizer and/or separate image processor?
see and vote it up!
Morpog ( 2014-01-12 01:20:57 +0200 )editAs for point 3, please vote
Thank you! ;-)
IZ1IVA ( 2014-01-28 11:41:30 +0200 )edit