Native Spotify app
asked 2013-12-28 01:07:01 +0200

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Native Spotify app to use the functionality of Sailfish cover features in home screen to change song from home screen and stop playback. Even better if cover features could be changed to own preferences.
EDIT: Vote here to make one native project reach it's goal. App developer worked at Spotify (interview)
EDIT 2018-07-22 Some Sailfish devs has started a new app development here.
Posted some feedback also directly to Spotify if they are willing to make own native app for Sailfish, however whether they plan to release it someday is another matter...
TimTTK ( 2014-02-08 15:18:48 +0200 )editPlease vote here on the Spotify forum to make our wish heard at the guys from Spotify.
BonoNL ( 2015-06-02 23:36:38 +0200 )editLuckily Cutespot works pretty well, I use it several days a week.
Is it expected that at some point the old API that Cutespot uses will be removed by Spotify?
juiceme ( 2017-10-30 07:29:13 +0200 )editWell Cutespot works well indeed, but there are some problems, when losing network connection for a short period I experienced it to crash.
Also the playlist sync gives problems.
See the Github from the dev for further info:
BonoNL ( 2017-10-30 22:38:12 +0200 )editSeeing how they treat their Windows 10 app (still can't play music with screen turned off on Windows tablets, seriously?), this seems like a pipe dream to me, but hey, we can dream, right? So I upvoted it anyway. libspotify is a mess, a "new API" was promised years ago and I doubt it will ever come. I guess the time for making your own clients for your favorite services has passed.
pisarz1958 ( 2017-10-30 23:04:58 +0200 )edit