[feature-request] better file transfer support

asked 2014-05-19 03:21:54 +0200

dsilveira gravatar image

updated 2014-05-22 16:29:41 +0200

This is the thing,

I've read alot of questions and answers complaining about how hard it is to transfer files to/from the Jolla using the native MTP solution. Specially guys with Apple devices, but also some others.

Altough unlike many of you I can't fault Jolla, for the lack of libmtp in OSX and some Linux Distros (no clue about Microsoft), and both in Linux, and in OSX the solution is easily found, I do agree that it is troublesome for several reasons:

  • It is a protocol born of evil (Microsoft), which means, weakly thought out, and poorly documented;
  • It's support on several platforms is still not there yet;
  • but specially, since it makes it impossible to communicate with older systems, like, some more conservative Linux distros, MP3-player connectors, in cars, stereos, and such.

For this reason, I propose a solution:

implement an alternative connectivity method, in which you export /home/nemo through en emulated mass storage device, so that you don't any of that plug/unplug issues non-sense, but the device your connected to still sees Jolla as a good old mass storage device, which, lets face it, is pretty much universally supported!

EDIT: Aard on IRC shared this link, which I think it's probably a big chunk of what I'm talking about

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Well, MTP may originally have been a Microsoft protocol, but it was adopted as an official extension to PTP back in 2008, and is pretty thoroughly documented by the USB Implementers Forum at http://www.usb.org/developers/devclass_docs under the section labelled, not surprisingly, 'Media Transfer Protocol'. So I'd agree that it can't be Jolla's fault that some distros and platforms have been slow to implement it.

strongm ( 2014-05-19 15:46:02 +0200 )edit

An excellent feature request. Maybe a toggle switch in the USB preferences for choosing between the fancy plug'n'pray MTP and the keep-it-simple-and-stupid method. I prefer the simple method since it's almost like carrying a USB hard drive with you. Wouldn't have to worry about synchronizing anything, nor with anyone, when handing over files (documents, archives, DRM free games) to your friends — or should I say: Loved ones. :)

Okw ( 2014-05-19 15:58:23 +0200 )edit

Worth noting that the OS X is not 'easily' found. Yes, there are workarounds which require hacking around, but there is no solution that would be generally acceptable to the public. It remains the #1 reason why I end up not always recommending the phone.

Setok ( 2014-05-21 23:54:11 +0200 )edit

@Setok it is not a hack is just installing a missing lib. You should complain about that to Apple, so that the next version comes with it

dsilveira ( 2014-05-22 16:25:27 +0200 )edit

@dsilveira which is something regular users will not do. Installing/updating 3rd party opensource libs from a 3rd party repository is definitely something the mass market would consider a hack. If there is no other way, even providing a Jolla "Drag to Install" bundled GUI application, with the required libs inside, is more acceptable than the workaround provided here.

Setok ( 2014-05-22 17:05:31 +0200 )edit