diaspora integration
please can you integrate diaspora just the way Facebook does? thanks
We have moved to a new Sailfish OS Forum. Please start new discussions there.
please can you integrate diaspora just the way Facebook does? thanks
I work on diaspora* in my free time, and ... unfortunately we don't have a public API yet.
There is however an app for the Firefox OS marketplace which integrates with the mobile browser version, if that is of any help to you.
I'd love to invite everyone who wants to help with this to work closely with the diaspora* project. We'd really appreciate it ;-)
Update: work on an API has begun and parts of it should be present in the upcoming major version. It's OpenID based and REST-ful, so should be not very hard to make an actual client to consume it.
Is there any progress on this, seems there is also now xmpp in diaspora but not for the social media part
marxistvegan ( 2016-10-11 05:47:35 +0200 )editIsn't this kind of service integration exactly what jolla is trying to acheive by means of open development and collaboration? No-one can integrate their service into iPhone or android (like Dropbox or Whatsapp) but jolla seems to encourage participation to make services an integral part of the user experience. So if I understand it right, it is up to *diaspora developers to approach jolla and benefit from their openness. However how to, doesn't seem to be very clear yet.
the api is being heavily worked on and probably soon it will be possible to get native app. for now using diaspora android app from fdroid is a good option.
also upcomming release of sailfish browser will include opening launcher shortcuts as new tabs which will make webapps bit less pain to use. i will scramble small patch with those changes in awaiting new browser version in coming days.
muppeth ( 2016-02-09 03:19:51 +0200 )editThis thread is public, all members of Together.Jolla.Com can read this page.
Asked: 2013-12-28 05:58:27 +0200
Seen: 1,591 times
Last updated: Feb 07 '16
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Now with fb's new TOS and stuff this is getting more and more interesting!
chemist ( 2015-01-30 10:49:47 +0200 )edit