Restore data stored in the Other Hallf
I was wondering if there is any way of restoring the theme stored in the Other Half's NFC chip. A friend of mine played with the White Other Half and his Android phone and I think he might have rewritten the tag so now nothing happens when I snap the White Other Half on the phone. The Poppy Red Other Half always works when I snap it on.
Afaik TOHs NFC chip only contains an ID which will be linked with your Jolla account and the Ambience will be loaded from the Jolla store. Maybe he brokes the pin of your TOH which makes the Jolla recognice that a TOH was attached?
Alex ( 2014-05-29 10:56:20 +0200 )edityeah well, the question is if I can restore whatever was on the chip. and why is the data not locked so that noone can overwrite it?
dan.socea ( 2014-05-29 11:04:26 +0200 )editthere is no data on the toh, just an identification number, that should ne unique. When you have the TOH connected the ID of it should show up in settings -> about this device.
Whippler ( 2014-05-29 13:48:18 +0200 )editstrange. the ID shows up when I connect it but it does not change my ambiance
dan.socea ( 2014-05-29 13:56:14 +0200 )edit