system/phone input device for pulse

asked 2014-06-05 13:20:33 +0200

cornedor gravatar image

updated 2014-06-05 13:22:13 +0200

I've created the recorder app. A lot of users request a phone call recording option. I would like to implement something like that but I can not find an input device that I can use. Will this be added in the future, is there anothor way to do this or will this not be possible?

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Oh, i would very much liked that!

This command works (needs lame), but only grabs mic, as i understand. I googled for howtos, found one explaining to create a sink for an app to record from - for example somafm, but can it be applied to phone calls aswell, i have no clue. I hoped i can do simple *.desktop launcher pointing to a script if i have had the right recording command.

parec --format=s16le --device=sink.primary.monitor | lame -r - dump.mp3

veeall ( 2014-07-23 16:09:39 +0200 )edit