[bug] booting out of chargemode leads to accidential reboots
Ahoi sailors please try the following - change ambience to a black background ambience - turn off device - charge it - boot out of charging mode without pulling cable. do you still see the white symbol with the lightning slightly in background? well i do! Booting this way leads to sudden reboots aswell. after that the 10min batterypull helps
can you guys reproduce this?
i reproduced it 1 times, 1 week ago... i don t know how...
Claudio Maradonna ( 2014-06-08 21:12:44 +0200 )editsince last update i always see the big sqare and the lightning in background when using dark ambiances
ray-ven ( 2014-06-25 08:26:59 +0200 )edit