Exchange contacts are not synced to carkit [not relevant]
I was waiting for so long for the PBAP bluetooth profile support ( because I thought that would solve the problem I have but it didn't (the new update - Saapunki introduced support for PBAP).
This is the problem I have from the beginning of using Jolla (december 2013): exchange contacts are not synced to the carkit. Only a few contacts that I have created directly in the phone are synced to the carkit. Nothing has changed after the Saapunki update (
Everything regarding this issue is working flawlessly with the N9.
EDIT 11.6.: It was a matter of restoring factory settings in setup telephone on the carkit and then pair it again to the phone. Everything syncs perfectly.
Could you remove the pairing from the device as well as from the carkit and try again. I had to do it with my own car and only after that the call history and phone book were synchronized.
tigeli ( 2014-06-11 01:21:03 +0200 )edit@tigeli thanks for the suggestion. I just got back from the car and I got it to sync. I tried unpairing on the phone a few times before but it did not work. Now I did a "restore factory settings" in telephone setup in the carkit and that did the trick. So happy...
Neo ( 2014-06-11 01:34:21 +0200 )edit