Scrollbar enhancement
Hi everybody
Does it make sense adding some more buttons to the scrollbar list navigation introduced on, to navigate to the 25% 50% 75% of the list
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Hi everybody
Does it make sense adding some more buttons to the scrollbar list navigation introduced on, to navigate to the 25% 50% 75% of the list
I'd rather like a "move" up and down gesture on the scrollbar. Just like a middle-click in Firefox lets you scroll just by moving the mouse cursor up and down, so could the scrollbar allow us to scroll up and down by moving the touch from the middle up or down. It would be ideal, if we could control the scroll-speed by simply moving farther from the middle.
Mh... Usually I don't know, what items are @ 25% or 75% in the list... I want to see them and decide where I want to stop (e.g. contacts list, gallery). With my suggestion, you could easily scroll a long list and look for the item you are looking for without to swipe over the screen a thousand times :)
ejjoman ( 2014-06-10 19:09:43 +0200 )editAnother way this could be changed is by making the bar function as buttons that go all the way to the top/bottom when tapped (the way it is now), but as a 'quick slider' when tapped, held and dragged. The quick slider could then jump per letter, per date, etc, depending on the kind of list being viewed.
Also, I wonder if the bar is easily accessible for left handed people. If it isn't, I wouldn't know how to solve it though, as putting it on the left side would mean it would obstruct part of the screen if you were scrolling in a list and wanted to swipe back to the previous screen.
Yes, I did mean that. I don't think the way it is currently used in Mitäkuuluu is particularly bad, I thought it was only frustrating back when it was used in the messaging view (of Mitäkuuluu). It isn't that large so accidental scrolling doesn't happen that often, at least in my case.
Of course, it doesn't look particularly good.
nthn ( 2014-06-11 23:40:53 +0200 )editI don't know - but I think Tweetian had the same scroller before last update. It is very annoying for me, because I mostly scroll and select items by touching near the right screen border and it constantly toggles the section scroller, which then begins to jump around in the list.
ejjoman ( 2014-06-11 23:44:01 +0200 )editThere are 2 buttons on the scroll bar and I think 2 is enough but the function is way too limited to "jumps to the top and jumps to the end.
What about:
-tap in both directions for start / end of list (as is currently implemented)
-tap and hold either of these directions to continue scrolling at the swipe induced scroll speed
-tap and hold either direction (like above) and slide finger up and down to regulate the scrolling speed
There is plenty of room on this visually very wide scroll bar to achieve this functionality conveniently at least in portret mode.
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Asked: 2014-06-10 18:52:14 +0200
Seen: 667 times
Last updated: Jun 10 '15
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how about it being a real scroll bar and not buttons?
chemist ( 2014-06-11 23:18:41 +0200 )edit@chemist, +1. We already have a scroll bar in lists. If it was draggable, we wouldn't need the new quick navigation thing, right? Maybe it should grow wider when you scroll fast so you can grab it. Or something like that.
ssahla ( 2014-06-11 23:32:48 +0200 )editI liked the scrollbar in Nokia N9 and would like to see it in my Jolla.
abc123 ( 2014-06-12 00:31:10 +0200 )editI don't know why the actual scrollbar was introduced with v1.0.7.16 becaused it is really useless for me because i.e. in gallery I want to scroll and find a specific date and not jumb to the first picture (this also can be done on an other way - by selecting the latest picture and flic to the right). This fastscroll bar would be only usefull in the browser but there the bar would be annoying.
Alex ( 2014-06-12 11:35:06 +0200 )editI think it is pointless to suggest improvements to current scrollbar implementation, just look how it is commonly done in touchscreen devices and copy it.
Jollas scrollbar, as i see it, is just a quick workaround for the lack of time or resources to implement a proper scrollbar.
veeall ( 2015-01-10 08:01:40 +0200 )edit