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[Bug] SDK confused by symlinks in paths

asked 2014-06-21 17:07:39 +0200

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updated 2014-06-21 20:46:48 +0200

ssahla gravatar image

As there seems to be no bug tracker, I'll post this here for reference.

Problem: The SDK gets confused if there are symlinks in the paths provided during installtion. In my case, I had a symlink from /home to /mnt/home, and I couldn't build the Hello World application. The less than helpful error message was "Project is outside of shared home (home path) and shared src (source path)".

I tried a re-installation with expanded paths, but it still didn't work, probably because $HOME and the expanded paths were still overlapping partly.

Background: The Mer SDK builds apps in a second virtualbox different from the emulator (would have been nice if that had been explained somewhere), probably to guarantee a consistent build environment. That means paths must be translated from the host to the virtual box. This seems to be done by "merssh". Apparently this translation runs into problems when symlinks are involved or the paths overlap in an unexpected way.

Solution: I re-installed with paths for apps and SailfishOS that were disjoint from $HOME and had the symlinks expanded.

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answered 2014-06-22 13:27:28 +0200

kaltsi gravatar image

updated 2014-06-22 19:41:07 +0200

Yes, I've seen this reported earlier too and acknowledge there is a problem with symlinked home with the SDK. It probably has something to do with how Qt Creator using QDir expands symlinks and the simple string comparison that is used to validate the project path.

That turned out to be the case and this should now be fixed in the next SDK release barring any regressions that may be found during testing.

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Asked: 2014-06-21 17:07:39 +0200

Seen: 224 times

Last updated: Jun 22 '14